Thursday, April 8, 2010

Obama Nation, Tea Parties, and You!

If Politics is the Art of Doing Stuff, and I think it is when you get right down to it, then Obama got points from the pointy-headed politicos for ramming down the universal health care legislation down numerous throats in the House and Senate. He did something, that Obama, that talker and back slapper. He really, really did something.

It does not matter that this bill is likely to bankrupt the US (it's not about you, it's about US) if you ask all the conservative pundits. It is a giveaway to the medical-industrial complex says the Hannity's and the Rush's and the Glenn Beck's of the world (and of their world too). That is true.
But, Mister Michelle Obama got something done. He did stuff. And that is what our leaders do nowadays. They either get stuff done or they don't. ... besides the fact that THEY hate us (Why do they HATE Americans???) and want to impoverish us and spy on us and confuse us with a bunch of facts that aren't true (cough, global warming, cough). But Obama got stuff done. And the retrobate Republican Representative retreads did not. They stood in the way, they say, this Party of No (or as they say in the Universal Mexican States of Meximerica, the home of future Californians everywhere, the Party of 'No.' Or better yet, the Fiesta of No.) and accomplished nothing but selling magazines for TIME and NEWSWEEK (but isn't that all that counts?).

The Republicans offered no real solutions. They just wanted to get on the TeeVee and "spew hatred." So they get no points for this.

I hate to interrupt my rant in order to, umm, rant but I don't get the whole "Obama is driving us to Bankruptistan." Hasn't this "country", this vassal state of the City of London and Wall Street and the gnomes of Zurich and the fat bastards of Saudi Arabia, been operating out of bankrutpcy since 1933? And haven't we been headed towards bankruptcy since no later than the Year 2000? We would have been done and finished for had it not been for Nine-Eleven aka Super-Duper-Neo-Keynesianism with missiles, mini-nukes, and CGI airplanes. So why all the hate towards Obama?

"Obama will be a one term president!" shout the "venomy spewing racist haters with spew and venom" (those are not my words, those are the words of Nancy Pelosi. seriously. look it up.)
Of course Obama will be a one term-president!, I might add. However, his term may last anywhere from six more months to 60 more years. But the guy is gonna be a one term president...

Obama got health care 'done.' So the opposition is wasting its time on this issue as long as the stock markets keep rising (that is all that matters these days). Then when the stock markets fail to rise, or even worse, succeed at rising downward (crashing), the "spitting, spiting, venomy spewers of hate" will be back in full force. But this time they will win, carrying seats in the House in the upcoming mid-term elections. But their victory will be Pyrric. Their gains will be temporary. For the Dems will be sunk in November, the Repubs sunk by December, and life will go on without an entrenched political establishment.

Universial Health Care. What, it's like if Medicare had a children's menu? I don't get it. But usually I try to stay out of places with a children's menu. Just trumped up junk food, over-priced, lowest-common-denominator selection, and too many spoiled brats, whiney kids, and screaming babies running around. Come to think of it, that basically explains the Universal Health Care bill and surrounding pomp and circumstance.

Obama matters today. In the Art of Doing Stuff, doing stuff will make you an artist. Or a politician with nuclear launch codes... The Republicans did nothing. A vast majority of Democrats accompanied the Republicans in their pursuit of nothingness. The two party system is dead. We have a dictator running a nation that is a media creation. Congressional encumbents can pack up and go home. If Obama succeeds, they fail for being obstructionists. If Obama fails, the fail for not offering up their own solutions.

So join a tea party. or the coffee party. the tea party is for Republican hacks and operatives and assorted FBI agents. the coffee party is for Democratic hacks and operatives and assorted FBI agents. If you are neither a hack, an operative, or an agent then start your own party. Like a Root Beer party, a Milk Shake party, or a Frozen Margarita party (aka the Fiesta Party).
So tell me about your own party. The party of one. The party of you.
And vote for yourself. Early and often. Because if you don't, who will?

da bear

Wake up and smell the Coffee Party!


  1. Americans are suffering what I call 'the angle of repose' decline. There was no recovery as measured by the sales taxes collected.

    Obama and CONgress need an election issue or else many Democrats will be unseated by Republicans. This will make raising taxes very hard in 2011 so watch for a trial balloon attempt to bring a VAT now.

    On a personal front, my electric meter is running backwards and my electric company will pay me for the surplus in 12 months.

  2. Some guy I listen to in the genuine alternative media is also predicting a VAT soon. ... just another way to stick it to the small business guy.

    In the midterms in 2010 it looks like the incumbents will suffer big. Really big if the economy and financial markets collapse like I think they will. Another downturn in housing along with another Fall panic could send incumbent Congress critters scurrying to update their resumes. But the next few years will be bad anyway. The real key election is 2012 -- if they are allowed to occur of course.

    Yeah, sales taxes aren't picking up. Neither are home sales prices. If anything it is a dead cat bounce. Gravity will soon pull downward on the pie-in-the-sky bulls. The $8,000 first time home buyer credit (aka the New Realtor Deal) expires soon. Let's see what happens after that... could see panic selling in the housing sector if the spring selling season doesn't start to boom soon.

    It looks like the fundamentals are bad and getting worse (or at least, not better), but the stock markets are still rising. But we watched this morality play in 2008 and we all remember what happened.

    I like to think of parallels to our current times. If there is one that works today it is Spring 1930. After the DOW collapsed by half the stock market then rallied huge, from basically 200 to just a tad under 300. Then the market collapsed into July 1932 to 41. Today things aren't really picking up on Main Sreet but Wal-Street is running wild. But this stock rally could be running out of steam -- 80 years after the infamous Spring 1930 Sucker Rally Top Out. In 1930 the stock market flirted with 300 a few times, sold off, then tried again. It never really got there and sold off big in June of that year. Then it rallied somewhat but after that it was down, down, down.

    DOW 11,000 could be the new DOW 300.

    What could burst this current bubble? Lots of things... Muni bond explosions, LA, California aka LOS DETROIT, MEXIFORNIA running out of cash on Cinco de Mayo, sovereign defaults, another spike in foreclosures and unemployment, and calls from Tea Partiers to lower spending (aka, drain liquidity from the economy). Oh yeah, it seems as if just like the summer of 2008, the price of oil is heading towards the price that will KILL the consumer. Other negatives: the US dollar index is stubbornly above 80 (holding above 80 is deflationary), gold is volatile (higher now, but a panic mini-crash would not be good for stable markets either and it would also drive other asset markets lower on deflationary fears). Long-term rates are heading up presaging a mid-Depression mini-spike in interest rates. Rising dollar, falling bonds, overpriced stock market? Memories of 1987...
    A new Wall Street movie starring Michael Douglas coming out?
    Memories of 1987...

    da bear
